Monday, December 04, 2006

This weekend was a write off.

I didn't make it to the Gaspereau Valley Open house on Saturday or to the Sarah Slean concert Friday night because I came down with a bad cold. The weekend was pretty much a write-off, I didn't even feel like knitting!

I spend most of the weekend keeping my eye on the Liberal leadership race, as I do not have cable and that's all that was on my two channels. Stephan Dion took it. He wasn't the favourtie going in, but he took it in the end. I can't say I follow politics closely enough to know the candidates well, but from what I have heard of Dion, I like him. Most of his supporters are younger and I think some new blood is much needed. Will he beat Harper? We shall see...

Now for the good news...
my sister and her husband made it down to New Brunswick from Ontario where they will be for the next month. I'll be joining them there in less than two weeks, I can't wait.

And, one of my best friends announced yesterday that her and her beau are tying the knot! Congratulations Dawn and Chris!

Yet another thing to make me feel old... I can hear my biological clock ticking away. tick.tick.tick.

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