Sunday, June 15, 2008

WWKIP 2008

We came, we knitted, innocent bystanders looked confused... All in all a successful knitting in public day.

Mrs. Yes I Knit and Cali organized the whole event and did a fantastic job! Many thanks to them for putting it all together.

I had my picture taken with a local knitting (knitted!) celebrity. Things went so well that we set up a date for last evening, but alas, he stood me up. Jilted by a knitted green monster. I have reached a new low.


lulubelle said...

Ah are merely the latest in a long long line of hearts broken by that little green guy.

Alison said...

He didn't show? Why am I not surprised? I was hoping that maybe you had changed him, maybe this time it was for real, and he'd settle down, start a family (one he actually was there to raise!). But I guess a leopard really doesn't change his spots!

Steph said...

Henry has asked me to send his most sincere apologies to you - but if you recall... we both kinda forgot him at home.

He said that he was banging on the window as we walked down the hill, but he could see us talking and knew we couldn't hear his tiny knitted hands hitting the glass.

He wants a "do-over"