Friday, November 02, 2007


Tagged by

The Rules:Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself.

1) I start listening to Christmas music in October and last year put up my tree on Nov.7

2) I work on ships but don't know how to swim.

3) I only make my bed about onth a month and consider it a huge waste of time.

4) I am a member of a union called the International BROTHERHOOD of Electrical Workers. When I get letters from them, they are signed "fraternally yours" which drives me crazy.

5) I grew up in nearby New Brunswick, but never visited Nova Scotia until I was 19.

6) I hate the noise made when you move stuff around in a freezer and boxes rub up against the frost in the freezer.

7) I am horrible with plants and even managed to kill a cactus.

8) Remember that awkward kid who got picked last for everything in gym class? That was me.


Anonymous said...

I was always picked last too. Always. I hated soccer baseball.

Miss Me said...

you were only picked last because i wasn't in your class! i HATE team sports. this may explain why i've never enrolled my kids in any competitive sport...

lulubelle said...

Brotherhood would drive me batty too.

I've also killed a cactus. My husband gets mad at me for offing the plants, I keep telling him to stop putting me in charge of them.