Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A baby is on the way...

Winston1, originally uploaded by leclerc_jk.

No, this is not said baby. Even though Winston is quite whiney. The pic is dark because he doesn't like the flash,
My trip to Ontario went pretty well despite the horrendous driving (and my terrible spelling). Of course we had to hit snow on the way there and the way back.

My dad got the nursery painted and the crib assembled, and we went shopping for baby things and stuff. My sister also had her first ultrasound while I was there and since her husband is fighting in Afghanistan right now, I got to go in with her and watch. My little niece appears to be quite healthy.

So, now that we are 95% sure it's girl, I can start more knitting and not have to make everything green or yellow! Yippee!

I will have more knitting posts once I get around to unpacking my camera and whatnot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know... Winston is a pretty cute baby...

Good to hear your sister is doing well, it must be so hard having her husband overseas.