Sunday, April 13, 2008

Maybe my "gathering" instinct is a little too good...

Or maybe I just need to be gathering for a clan and not just for myself.

I ordered a new sofabed this weekend. It's a simmons queen size sofabed with a chaise at one end, which will become my knitting sanctuary. Also, it will be a comfy place for company to sleep!

Sooo... if anybody wants a blue microfiber double sofabed. It's not in bad shape. There are no stains or tears, it' s just not the most comfy thing in the world. If somebody would like to take it away, it's free.

The other thing that I gathered this weekend without needing in anyway is this cute pair of shoes! They call them twins because they are similar but not the same. How cute!


Steph said...

AAAH! Campers! I love Campers. They're so cute.

lulubelle said...

OMG! Where did you get those shoes?? They are so freakin cute!

Elisabeth said...

Those shoes are absolutely adorable! I'm always on the lookout for adorable new shoes! Thank you for making my life happier!

(In sad news, my Tuesday night choir practices are going to continue after all, since we're going on tour for a week at the end of the month. So no KOL for me.) :(

jkleclerc said...

They are from KAS on Spring Garden, and they came with a red bouncy ball!

Anonymous said...

CAMPERS! AHHHH! I'm out of my mind with envy at the cuteness.

Cali said...

Wow! So cute, I love that they are not the same on each foot. And they came with a bouncy ball??? That is too much! lol I would have giggled and become giddy if I saw them in the store!

Megan said...

Love them! I have a few pairs of Campers and I love the Twins best!