Sunday, July 22, 2007

A weekend tale

Here is a comic version of the drama that ensued this weekend when I introduced Fred to Henry...

(click to make larger)


Megan said...

Wanna see my long-tail cast on!? That's CLASSIC!

Steph said...

*wiping coffee off computer screen*

I wondered what you guys were doing with Henry. He was hungover and weepy on Sunday morning and didn't want to talk about it.

(Glad to see Captain Fred made it to the blog.)

Alison said...

Poor Henry. He's destined to be disappointed in love. Will he return to the arms of the ever-patient Rose?

Miss Me said...

poor broken hearted henry!
the fredericton knitters group only meets once a month - sad isn't it? third wednesday of every month at stepping stone. but if you're in fred'n and want to knit, let me know. we might even be able to get canKNITian out for a cuppa cawfee and some knitting!

canadian sadie said...

I can see why Henry fell for you. :) And I can also see why Captain Fred won...although I have to admire Henry's determination to fight for what he wants...despite insurmountable odds. :)

lulubelle said...

"..because he has eyes and Henry does not"

Ah, I do love that little scamp, despite it all...

Elisabeth said...

So cute! And great to see Captain Fred! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Hysterical! Hmm, Henry is such a cad.

Hi Fred!