Thursday, July 26, 2007

I sock at this...

Sunday afternoon, in my weekend recovery mode, I went to chapters to get some much needed coffee and look at the books. I had seen this lovely sock book online and when I found it in the store I decided that it would make my life complete, for the day anyway.

I started the Embossed Leaves pattern with the ball of Jawoll which I have already started to knit and unknit countless other socks with, but I thought "this pattern will be the one!". That was a little ambitious considering I have never done socks in that degree of difficulty or read a lace chart before. I probably should have done some research before starting so that I would have known that you read from the bottom up, etc, but alas it was not meant to be. I really messed up that one and had to rip back again! I have decided that the particular ball of yarn is cursed, but I started the Go with the Flow socks from the same book last night because they looked easier. Hopefully, this will be the pattern to tame this unruly sock yarn.

I won't be at KOL again until Sept 18th because I will be in NB next week, seeing the Harlot the week after (hooray) and then going to sea for a few weeks where I won't even have internet! How will I ever survive?

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