All answers must start with your first initial:
Your Name: Julie
Famous Music artist/group: Jill Barber
3 letter word: jab
Color: Jade
Gift/present: Jewels
Vehicle: Jetta
TV Show: Jetsons
Country: Jordan
Boy's Name: Jim (my boss)
Girl's Name: Jenna (my best friend in middle school)
Alcoholic drink: Julep
Occupation: Janitor
Flower: Jasmine
Celebrity: Julie Andrews
Food: Jelly beans
Something found in a kitchen: Julienne Peeler (i had to surf the web to come up with that)
Reason for Being Late: Jam (the traffic kind, not the strawberry kind)
Something You Shout: I don't often shout
I have a few pictures of FO's to post as well, but my computer is being wierd and I haven't brought my camera into work to upload them. I tried reformatting this weekend but that didn't seem to fix it. I'm going to try reinstalling windows one more time and if that doesn't work, I may have to consider acquiring some new hardware, which is so not in the budget right now.
Ah, technology.