Monday, December 03, 2007

This weekend was a bust

I had big plans this weekend of getting caught up on my laundry and housework and also going to the Christmas Open house at Gaspereau Valley Fibres out in the valley.  They were forcasting light flurries for Saturday which didn't worry me too much, but as soon as I hit the highway the wind and snow came up and the visibility was nil.  Seeing as I drive a sporty little  car and do not have my snow tires on yet (they are at my folks in a different province right now)  I decided that a yarn sale was not worth the risk and turned around.  Skidding on the Bedford Highway on the way back confirmed my decision was a responsible one.

I got home and decided to do my laundry, first starting with all my bedding, including my duvet cover.  While my clothes were in the washer the one dryer in my building broke, so now I have a basket of wet bedding and a couple old blankets on my bed, not to mention over 2 weeks worth of dirty clothes on the floor.  After these two failures, (oh yes, my internet was down most of Saturday as well) I didn't think anything useful would come out of the day and decided to knit continuously for the rest of it.  I started my Skin of the Sea by Ilga Leja and am done the back already.

Now that the snow is coming down out there, it looks like another good evening for knitting.  I still wish my dryer was working though.

1 comment:

Steph said...

It's not a good week to have no snow tires - Be careful, Electro-woman!